Our Easton, PA dentist encourages patients to maintain good oral hygiene habits for a variety of reasons. Poor oral health can result in significant impacts in one’s oral health and wellness. The loss of a single tooth can be detrimental to the smile. We encourage patients to take good care of their smile with brushing, flossing, and regular dental visits for cleanings and examinations. However, there are times when we may still need to extract a tooth from the smile. Here are some common situations that can occur that require the permanent removal of a natural tooth:

  • Malpositioned tooth

  • Impacted teeth

  • Infections and abscesses

  • Orthodontic corrections

  • Advanced periodontitis

  • Severe tooth decay

  • Fractured roots or teeth

There are times when our team may advise the removal of a natural tooth following a careful and thorough examination. X-rays are often used to evaluate the smile and determine the shape and position of the natural tooth along with the surrounding bone before performing an extraction. Depending on the degree of difficulty to extract a tooth, sometimes patients may be referred to an oral surgeon for the procedure.

There is pain and discomfort that is expected after a simple or surgical extraction, but pain killers and ice packs used throughout the day can minimize these concerns. Most patients will experience a lessening of discomfort days after their procedure.

If you are dealing with bleeding, swelling, severe pain, or a fever and believe it is resulting from an oral health concern, contact our Easton, PA dentist immediately by calling (610) 923-8340 for an evaluation.